Monday, 26 December 2016

Transpact Enterprises at TechFest 2016

We received a very delightful feedback for our forerunner product, The Vestibulator at Techfest 2016. The concept, design, technology and the extent of its socio-economic impact & relevance received such an optimistic feedback from the doctors, technology experts, NGO’s, researchers, academicians & general public. From being called as the wonder device, to the queries about where the Vestibulator could be brought from, when will it be in the market for sale, its future applications and so on we experienced it all. So, I thought to share the experience and went ahead to pen down, “Transpact Enterprises at Techfest 2016”.
Techfest, Asia’s Largest Science and Technology Festival is the annual science and technology festival of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Techfest is known for hosting a variety of events that include competitions, displays, demonstrations, lectures and workshops. Started in 1998 with the aim of providing a platform for the Indian student community to develop and showcase their technical dexterity. The activities conclude in a grand three-day festival event in the campus of IIT Bombay which attracts people from all over the World, including students, academia, corporates and the general public.
TechConnect was an exhibition organized by Techfest from 16th to 18th December 2016 in collaboration with IRCC, IIT B to highlight the research & development activities of IIT Bombay. It aimed at showcasing the technologies developed in IIT Bombay to satisfy the upcoming requirements of the industry also meet the critical social needs of the country and benefit the society.

Transpact participated in Techconnect representing the Industrial Design Centre of IIT B. For the first time the Co-patented technology Transpact & IRCC was made available to more than 1,65,000 people   to look at. Yes! The Vestibulator designed in joint research with The Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre, IIT B to stimulate the vestibular system of the user especially for children suffering from Cerebral Palsy & Autism was exhibited to the world; a unique, innovative, mechanized, digital healthcare solution (device) to achieve   maximum Vestibular Stimulation for vestibular, neuro-developmental and sensory integration therapy. 

It was an enriching and overwhelming experience for the team of Transpact Enterprises. Glimpses of which areattached herein. Techfest is entirely managed by students of IIT Bombay with a three-tier team structure. The hospitality the coordinators & team members offered was amazing. we appreciate them for such wonderful & timely arrangements of things.

Friday, 23 December 2016

Meeting the emotional needs of differently abled Children

Special need Children especially those with physical or cognitive challenges often experience a number of social problems such as anxiety, relationship problems, depression, attention deficit and many more. They generally face real and sometimes self-imposed difficulty in building relationships. They find it very difficult to gel in with others, they often feel felt out of the crowd.
The most common social issues with differently abled children are depression, sadness, lack of confidence, frustration, unhappiness, embarrassment etc. They often find it difficult to fit in or feel accepted. It Interrupts in their social, emotional and physical development. Also these emotional, attention and behavioral challenges hamper a child’s ability to learn, grow, develop and progress. It is necessary for them to have positive interactions in the family, at school, with friends or on job as it affects their mental health and well-being.
Children with cerebral palsy face innumerable physical, psychological and developmental issues, depending on the severity of the disorder. Thus they tend to have various apprehensions about the society. Social problems with children suffering from cerebral palsy usually comes from their difficulty communicating, making it more difficult for social interaction. Poor coordination of the tongue and mouth muscles affects their speech ability. These problems need to be dealt with, in a very careful and timely manner as they might result in development of social phobia or child’s gradual withdraw from the social set up.
Social therapy is a therapy developed to help individuals experiencing psychological issues or anxiety to regulate their emotions, develop friendship & positive interactions. It is a group based therapy which   helps decrease the sense of loneliness, isolation and stress experienced by the child. The concept of social therapy is existing since late 1970’s. Social therapy involves activities both at individual & group level which lead to teaching, learning, reacting, self-discovery, active as well as passive communication, development of confidence & self-esteem. Social therapy strengths the affection & bonding by encouraging families and friends to provide the children with special needs the opportunities for personal interaction in group settings.

It is an empowering technique as it replaces anxiety, emotional pain & shyness with self-development by teaching new ways of interacting, perceiving, learning & thinking. Thus helps in developing personality; increasing independence, creativity, productivity; enhancing social skills & relationships of a differently abled child.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Technology -The Super hero !!

When life puts a challenge in front of you, it creates a need for solution to overcome it. And Yes! Technology always comes out to be the super hero for the rescue in such situations. For people with disabilities especially cerebral palsy where the extent of penetration of the effects is varied finding right solutions becomes very difficult.  Finding the right tool,  every time to meet the needs is really a tough task. A variety of assistive devices are available in the market right from  mobility devices likes wheelchairs & crawlers , bathing equipment’s,  stool tables  which all aim at making life easier . Technology is ever growing.

High tech innovations are coming up that will surely impact future generations living with Cerebral Palsy and other related conditions. To describe a few researchers at University of Oklahoma have built a Self-Initiated Prone Progression Crawler (SIPPC) to mitigate neurological damage caused by cerebral palsy at an early age. Researchers constructed a motorized scooter for infants with an EEG cap which monitors brain activity during exercises in the physio-occupational therapy sessions, and mounted cameras capture the  movements  20 times /second to create a 3D graph of the crawling child. Ideally infants of 2 to 8 months can use it.

Communication is the basic requirement for the processes of learning and interaction. Tobii Technology has opened up doors of communication for nonverbal children or adults. Eye tracking technology uses the iris of the user to give commands to a computer that in turn speaks for the user. This technology offers a voice to people that earlier had little way to express his or her thoughts. Eye tracking can also be used to create actions, such as the one can operate a wheelchair without the use of limbs.
Deprivation of oxygen at birth is one of the major reasons for Cerebral palsy. The cool Cap is not an ordinary cap. It is designed to cool the brains of babies born with oxygen deprivation during birth may prevent brain damage. It offers a moderate overall reduction in brain damage.
The possibilities which technology & research have opened are truly endless with many more enabling and empowering devices to come up in future.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Walking through the various Cerebral palsy treatment options.

Cerebral palsy as we are aware of is a non-curable disorder .However there exists  different forms & types of therapies which can be of help to improve the quality of life and the prevailing  conditions of the children & people suffering . The word “Therapy” could often sound as frustrating & tedious however for those suffering from Cerebral palsy; it is a part of daily routine /life. Unlike the conventional forms of therapies, the recent ones embedded with audio visual effects provide children especially with a virtual world escape from the real world limitations.

Various therapies available can be enlisted are as follows:

Acupuncture: It has been practiced for thousands of years in china & other parts of the world .  It helps reduce stress, improve energy, and restore balance.  Acupuncture provides effective therapeutic relief for many health conditions including migraines, dizziness, depression and anxiety. Balance problems can be treated with less fear of falling to a hard surface.

Aqua therapy: Water is forgiving – your body can attempt movement and make mistakes and miscalculations and thereby learn its safe limits. Aquatic physical therapy is often prescribed in conjunction with land-based therapy.

Equine-therapy/Hippotherapy: Horses are special animals and their healing powers have been recognized for thousands of years.  Physical therapists believe that the horse's movement created neurological changes that help to improve a person's postural control, strength, and coordination.

Physical & occupational therapy: Includes Exercises practiced were all aimed to improve your mobility and function of   body parts. Also includes Manual therapy to relieve pain and stiffness & improve blood circulation. Assistive tools for      exercises such as physioball , balance board , scooter ,swings etc are  used . Medical Management: Depending on the etiology of the extent of patient’s suffering a variety of medical and surgical    options may be recommended by appropriate medical professional(s). Medications may be provided to suppress the    vestibular symptoms or to treat the primary & secondary conditions .Dietary and/or lifestyle changes may be  recommended. Surgical intervention may be considered in specific cases.

 A more futuristic technology that is able to cope up with the overall demands of all the therapies also which would streamline all the aspects of the therapy along with the major component of clear detection of results is the need of the  hour.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

A New Feather on our hat.

Congratulations to all at Transpact Enterprises Pvt. Ltd as we have been awarded the ISO 9001:2016 & ISO 13485:2016 certifications for our quality management system for the design, manufacture (production) and distribution(sales) of our medical therapeutic devices and related software.

ISO 9001 certification emphases on quality management certifying that a company’s products are designed, manufactured, distributed and all the processes are documented and implemented according to the nationally approved ISO 9001:2016 standards. Some of the criteria for ISO 9001 certifications need that the company must be a customer-focused , has a system approach to management, provide continual improvement, have jointly beneficial supplier relationships, and more.

 The ISO 13485:2016 certification is an important statement proving our assurance to quality on all levels .At Transpact Enterprises we demonstrate that our team has worked to place our compliance level at an increased height which would ensure us to meet our customers' quality necessities, applied all relevant regulatory requirements, and so on 

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

A Comprehensive treatment Plan

The extent of the physical impairment a child suffers from the neurological /brain damage is taken as the primary condition of the child .However along with are various secondary , associative and co- mitigating conditions which exists due to  the primary effects. The primary physical impairment may involve challenges with muscle tone, reflexes, posture, balance, fine and gross motor functioning also oral motor functioning. Which in turn create secondary conditions such as difficulty to chew, swallow, or communicate that also require treatment.  Managing  Cerebral Palsy is further complicated by co-mitigating factors which are not caused by the same brain damage that caused CP but that still exists in the child as a separate condition which  requires  simultaneous treatment eg child my suffer from asthma or any such ailment.
Due such complications in the treatment and uniqueness of every child as far as extent of impairment is considered, the Children require or need a comprehensive treatment & care plan which differ from child to child .This plan takes into consideration all the conditions existing in the child, the child’s ability, his /her socio –economic background also kind & quality of home care received. The team includes the various multidisciplinary doctors, pediatrician, parents or the legal guardians. At the onset goals for the treatment are established keeping in mind the medical condition of the child .Then the set goals are achieved using a combination of drugs & therapies.

However a keen observation from the primary caregiver is required all time as complications may arise at any point of time, noticing them earlier can help the caregiver to act promptly and minimize the effect.  It takes lot from the general primary pediatrician and caregivers to accomplish the set goals of treatment to develop in the child abilities so that the/she can have degree of independence and lead a quality life.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Means of combating Cerebral palsy

Every individual suffering from cerebral palsy is unique in terms of severity of damage, extent and type of impairment. The symptomatology of this disorder (CP) is very varied; it may range from slight clumsiness to severe impairments. The classical symptoms are associated with abnormality in muscles, reflexes, motor development and coordination, sensory impairments, seizures, spasticity etc.

Hence developing a general protocol for treatment is very difficult. The damage caused to the brain cannot be healed however various therapies, surgeries, drugs, treatments and so on help the individuals to fight this disorder. All the courses of treatment aim to optimize mobility, cope primary conditions, regulate pain, manage and control  complications, associative conditions and co-mitigating factors, maximize independence, boost social and peer interactions, raise self-care, optimize ability to communicate, maximize learning potential & above all  to provide a quality  life.

Various Course of treatments are available today for Cerebral palsy to list a few  like  acupuncture, aqua therapy, behavioral therapy, physical therapy ,cognitive education , nutrition & diet therapy ,hippotherapy ,massage therapy ,occupational therapy ,play therapy ,recreational therapy , respiratory therapy ,sensory integration therapy ,social therapy ,speech & language therapy  , various surgeries & supplementary medications.

However in a long run the cost of these treatment goes high .We are in need for a one stop solution in terms of reliability, efficiency & economics of cerebral palsy treatment

Sunday, 11 September 2016

A bit of fragrance clings to the hand that distributes roses

That was really a hectic day for me as I had a meeting with my directors in the early hours, had to meet all my deadlines, submit my report and then rush back home as my most awaited vacation was about to begin. I was so excited to take up the travel and experience the climate in north-east on my birthday.
I reported to office at my regular work hours and rushed to complete my work as planned. Mr. Aslam Khan then arrived at office for the meeting. “Mr. Khan is the kind of person you would love to hear and learn from. He is always a high energy person and has something positive to say all the time”. He greeted me with advance wishes on my birthday and till the other directors arrived, we both started talking about many things like daily commute, people, life and living.
Mr. Khan from his observations & memories filled college days, picked up the experience and wisdom he acquired from the commute to Byculla, Saboo Sidddique College by train to share with me what he intended me to understand was how to live and grow up in life. He said, “Over the period of nine years of travelling, I could categorize the people commuting from the train in three different Categories. The first category of people were the ones who would just rush to get into the train pushing & pulling others to get seats or appropriate places to stand .The second category were those better travellers who would first board the train and then assist others on the platform to get in. There were some other people who would let others get in first, help college students, co-commuters with children to board & then themselves would board, these formed the third category”.
He further explained me what exactly he wanted to convey. Life is a journey and we can make the best out of it, if we inculcate the values like empathy, sacrifice, helpfulness, being optimistic & patience in ourselves. Being helpful not only makes another person feel better but also makes us feel better from inside and also about ourselves. May be we ourselves must be going through tough time but being there for someone at his time of need will give us an eternal peace ,solace and contentment in a long run. Mr. Khan advised me to strive to be among the third category in life.

 I then kept pondering over this thought of his .And I really felt we can flourish with love and care in life only if we allow and help others to grow in life. The Chinese proverb “A bit of fragrance clings to the hand that distributes roses” rightly describes this.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Autism & Cerebral Palsy are they inter-related?

After three of  months reading about cerebral palsy , autism and  sensory impairment  ,vestibular and associated conditions ;A question  continuously arising is Are these conditions inter related???
Although from the studies it can be concluded that cerebral palsy is the condition wherein the brain is damaged and this disorder is non-developmental. However autism on another hand is a developmental disorder wherein the child doesn’t reach the age group milestones as the peers, since there is retardation in the process of brain and nerve development.
The common aspect expect for mercury poisoning is the vestibular system. Balance, posture and spatial orientation of body is achieved and maintained by a complex set of sensorimotor control systems. It includes inputs from eyes, inputs from muscle and joints, inputs from vestibular system, integration of sensory processing the conflict between the inputs, reflex motor output, learning and retention of knowledge. In cerebral palsy it is seen that either sensory inputs or motor reflexes or both can be affected due to the kind and extent of damage to the brain whereas in autism sensory integration dysfunction is observed which leads to their overstimulated or calm behavior.

It is still a topic of debate whether cerebral palsy and autism are interrelated. But it can be stated that the treatment of both involves stimulation of vestibular system by Swinging, Bouncing, Twirling, tilting and rotation motions etc  along with various other therapies and it should be noted  time plays a very important factor in both the cases.

Tuesday, 29 March 2016


Another intellectual disorder which is less studied and closely related to CP yet differs in terms of physical impairment is Autism. Autism affects the social interaction and behavior of child .Also communication both verbal and non-verbal is seen to be affected. Like cerebral palsy every child has his/her own unique pattern of impairment. The extent of penetration of this developmental disorder differs from individual to individual.
Individuals and children suffer from the following conditions namely speech and language difficulties, intellectual disability, sleep problems, attention problems, epilepsy, anxiety, depression and difficulties with fine and gross motor skills.

An autism spectrum finds its roots in lack in sensory integration of body. It is observed that children with autism have either hypo or hyper activity of vestibular and nerves related to it. Unlike Cerebral palsy autism is treatable to an extent wherein the child can lead a normally life overcoming all the communication and behavioral challenges. Early detection of autism leads to quicker and better chances of recovery of the child.
There is no medical treatment which can cure autism. However drug therapy or medications can help to reduce depression, anxiety , manage  energy levels etc. ,behavioral and responsive training and interventions may help to teach them desired behavioral patterns; occupational and speech therapy helps to teach and inculcate basic living and communication skills. However the most important of all is the sensory integration therapy which involves stimulation of vestibular system and other nerves. This is achieved using various physiotherapy exercises involving rotation, tilting etc.

Exploring few facts on cerebral palsy....

Cerebral Palsy a less explored yet a serious neurological disorder. This condition is caused due to any brain injury or any abnormality in the  brain development occurring during a child’s birth ,during birth or immediately after birth. Also sudden fever, maternal infections, deprivation of oxygen during labour, birthing trauma during labour and delivery , complications during pregnancy or early childhood may lead to the Cerebral palsy . Cerebral palsy is often referred as CP. CP primarily interrupts posture , body movement, muscle coordination, reflexes and balance. The secondary health defects arising from the disorder are poor sensation, problems of communication, perception, behavior etc .
Cerebral palsy causes both physical as well as intellectual impairment. Individuals with CP find it difficult to crawl, walk, and sit or even to grasp an object at times. Their muscles contract too much, too little, or all at the same time. Limbs can be stiff and forced into painful, awkward positions. They often face difficulty in thinking and reasoning, .The type of movement dysfunction, the location and number of limbs involved, as well as the extent of impairment, varies from individual; to individual depending upon the extent of brain damage.
Cerebral Palsy is non-life-threatening, incurable, non-progressive & permanent disorder. Every case of CP is unique such as an individual may have complete paralysis while another may have partial, some individual may suffer from intellectual disability while some may not.

 Treatment of CP includes physiotherapy therapy, speech therapy, drug treatment to control seizures, relax muscle spasms, and alleviate pain; surgery to correct anatomical abnormalities or release tight muscles; all the types of therapies focus on managing abnormal muscle tone and minimizing its effects on function, maintaining and improving movement and mobility skills, maintaining flexibility and preventing pain or discomfort.

Monday, 28 March 2016

The fight of toddlers....

Life teaches us at every moment to move on forward without looking backwards. And in the process of living, learning and realization are two things each and every one procures from …their own and others life well. Over a few months day by day I have been realizing that  life at times seem to be too unjust to few people but I guess they are the strongest of  us all as they are fighting  a silent  battle within themselves. I happened to meet such little warriors at Amal Physiotherapy centre ,it was a very touchy experience to see them fighting the condition life has put forth in front of them .Six toddlers all not more than 4 years of age and their mothers showed me not giving up is the biggest victory .
All of the children there suffered from cerebral palsy. Cerebral meaning brain & palsy meaning   a condition that is characterized by uncontrollable tremor or quivering of the body or one or more of its parts. cerebral palsy is a collective term that refers to the  neurological disorders that appear in infancy or early childhood and permanently affect body movement, muscle coordination, and balance. The part of the brain that controls muscle movements is affected. The most common symptoms of CP are  lack of muscle coordination while performing voluntary movements (ataxia); stiff or tight muscles and exaggerated reflexes (spasticity); walking with one foot or leg dragging; walking on the toes, a crouched gait, or a “scissored” gait; and muscle tone that is either too stiff or too floppy. Other neurological symptoms that commonly occur include seizures, hearing loss and impaired vision, bladder and bowel control issues, and pain and abnormal sensations. It cannot be cured, but treatment often improves the child's capabilities. The earlier treatment begins the better chance the child has of overcoming developmental disabilities or learning new ways to accomplish the tasks that challenge him/her. Early intervention, supportive treatments, medications, and surgery can help them improve their muscle control.
At Amal, I could witness that struggle of toddlers towards gaining independency to some extent in day to day living .It was painful to see it but at the same time what more I saw was the spark in their eyes ..The quest to defeat the inadequacy.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Converting barriers to facilities…the Need!!

People with disabilities and their families often find their lives unsatisfactory as compared to others. They feel that they do not have sufficient control on their lives and day to day living as well, even they find insufficient choices in tiny things in life .They often have limited access and inclusivity to various streams such as education; employment etc. even today in society along with disability comes stigma and discrimination. Restriction in Participation and lack of feeling the connectedness with others leads to their recessive involvement in society.
With the advent of new technologies of modern science, new hopes are emerging for People with disabilities. Assistive technology, is adapted to everyone’s abilities, means that disabled end users will be able to participate in all aspects of life on more better and equal terms than ever before. It is vital that people are able to benefit on an equal basis from the rapid development of technology, to enable them to partake in an inclusive and barrier‐free society.

Technological innovations that promote independence, community participation, and healthful living are the necessity today .Areas were technological interventions are needed are personal assistance, caregiver assistance, mobility, cognition, perception, awareness, sensation, vocation. Also tools and measures must be developed to assess the impact of technology on activity, quality of life, cost, community participation, and health (beyond morbidity and mortality).

Knowing more about disability

 "Disability" is nothing but an impairment or restriction in a person's ability to function normally. This can be caused by one or several changes in various subsystems of the body, or the mental health. The degree of disability may range from mild to moderate, severe, or profound .A person may have one or multiple disabilities.
Conditions causing disability are broadly categorized as inherited ,congenital the one  caused by a mother's infection or other disease during pregnancy, embryonic or fetal developmental irregularities, or by injury during or soon after birth ,acquired, such as conditions caused by illness or injury ( sudden fever, accidents)
Types of disabilities are not mutually exclusive i.e. each type of disability may impact one or more categories of disability. However disabilities are classified as follows:
Physical & sensory disability
Physical disability is any condition which restricts or causes impairment in the movement of limbs or fine bones of the body whereas Sensory disability is impairment of one or more senses. It includes vision loss of a person, deafness (condition in which individuals are fully or partially unable to perceive at least some frequencies of sound which can be heard by other people),Olfactory and gustatory impairment (Impairment of the sense of smell and taste and are commonly associated with aging),Insensitivity to stimuli such as touch, heat, cold, and pain are often an adjunct to a more general physical impairment involving neural pathways and is very commonly associated with paralysis is known as Somatosensory impairment
Balance disorder & Intellectual disability
A balance disorder is a disturbance that causes an individual to feel unsteady, for example when standing or walking. Balance is the result of co-ordination between several body systems working together. The visual system, vestibular system and proprioception need to be intact. The brain, which compiles this information, needs to be functioning effectively.
Intellectual disability is a concept that ranges from mental retardation to cognitive deficits too mild or too specific to qualify as mental retardation. Intellectual disabilities may appear at any age.

A disability of any sort presents challenges to the affected person and people around them in day to day life .However the advent of new technology in the healthcare domain enables them to cope up with the challenges and have a fulfilling life that’s living how they want to.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The healing power of love...

Love when we here this word all that comes to the mind is nothing but roses, gifts , music, lights on and on… everything that is romantic correct???  And every one of us believes in this intense emotion of nature. Love has various forms and elements in it to name a few Care, empathy, choosing someone as your priority and so on. It is always about knowing and realizing that there is someone whom you know you can always count on. The one who can bear toddlers tantrums to teenage angst, the person who gave you  life, the one who loves you unconditionally, warmth of her hug overpowers everything that surrounds you .It’s true, mothers’ love is priceless and virtually impossible to describe. It is a feeling that can be only understood when experienced. It is rightly said a child gives birth to a mother. Yes a woman feels completely overwhelmed with emotions when she knows that she is going to be a mother .Things change altogether right from morning sickness, fatigue, sleeplessness, and postpartum depression to feeling anxious about caring for the new baby she goes through all of it. And all this time with her stands a very strong person as he is supposed to be the father who also sees dreams of the family’s future along with her .Being a parent is very difficult and parenting/catering a child with disability or special needs is far more challenging and difficult .Along with the news of child’s disability comes the feeling of shock, numbness, sadness, denial, blame, fear, confusion, rejection and grief. One cannot run away from what he or she feels as there is no right or wrong way for the feelings. Learning to deal with these feelings after diagnosis is nothing but a positive indication about coming to terms with life and moving on with your child’s life, your family life and your life too.
While Keeping in touch with Reality maintaining a positive attitude throughout   and realizing the importance of time in finding Programs, treatment, therapies for Your Child is very important. Also one important thing to remember here is that you are not alone, there are many parents who share the same grief and we at transpact are there with you all in this struggle.

Your love towards your child is the best support and an inspiration for you throughout the journey. Love, not only will help you to accept things, but will eventually transform and  heal your heart and will give you a hope for bright future.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Connecting with disabilities

Hello world,
Life in the metropolitan city like Mumbai begins daily with  thinking about the task assigned , deadlines , work pressure in the morning and moves forward to irritation, competitions, expectations ,frustration …finally at the end of the day realizing things are not going in the direction we want to & always falling short to the expectations . Let us take a glimpse out of this running life we are leading to the life of those who are living a different one than the routine. When compared to them our problems seem to be very immaterial and meager. Yes, I am talking about people with any sort of disability be it physical or mental or psychological one and their families too .Just think for a while that moment when you hold your child for the first time in your hand…One of the happiest moment of your life right??? And then realizing in few minutes or years that there is something abnormal, the whole scenario changes. The battle then begins …so knowing about disabilities is important in order to conquer it.
 Disability is limitation in the ability to perform a normal daily living activity which someone else of the same age is able to perform. This restriction is the consequence of an impairment which could be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present since birth, early childhood, or occur during a person's lifetime.
World Health organization describes disabilities as an umbrella term, which covers /includes impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. Impairment is a problem in body which functional or structural in nature; an activity limitation is a difficulty faced by an individual in carrying out a task or action; a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations.
The fact to understand here is disability is just not health inadequacy but it is a complex phenomenon which exhibits the interaction between features of a person’s body inadequacies and limitations and features of the society in which he or she lives. Overcoming the difficulties experienced by people who are speciallyabled  requires interventions to remove technological, environmental and social barriers.

Love, Compassion, sympathy & apathy and the transition between them will help the people with disabilities to help grow into confident, independent and productive individuals. Families, society at large and the government together need to create a strong supportive environment to make the world a better place to live in.