Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Connecting with disabilities

Hello world,
Life in the metropolitan city like Mumbai begins daily with  thinking about the task assigned , deadlines , work pressure in the morning and moves forward to irritation, competitions, expectations ,frustration …finally at the end of the day realizing things are not going in the direction we want to & always falling short to the expectations . Let us take a glimpse out of this running life we are leading to the life of those who are living a different one than the routine. When compared to them our problems seem to be very immaterial and meager. Yes, I am talking about people with any sort of disability be it physical or mental or psychological one and their families too .Just think for a while that moment when you hold your child for the first time in your hand…One of the happiest moment of your life right??? And then realizing in few minutes or years that there is something abnormal, the whole scenario changes. The battle then begins …so knowing about disabilities is important in order to conquer it.
 Disability is limitation in the ability to perform a normal daily living activity which someone else of the same age is able to perform. This restriction is the consequence of an impairment which could be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present since birth, early childhood, or occur during a person's lifetime.
World Health organization describes disabilities as an umbrella term, which covers /includes impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. Impairment is a problem in body which functional or structural in nature; an activity limitation is a difficulty faced by an individual in carrying out a task or action; a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations.
The fact to understand here is disability is just not health inadequacy but it is a complex phenomenon which exhibits the interaction between features of a person’s body inadequacies and limitations and features of the society in which he or she lives. Overcoming the difficulties experienced by people who are speciallyabled  requires interventions to remove technological, environmental and social barriers.

Love, Compassion, sympathy & apathy and the transition between them will help the people with disabilities to help grow into confident, independent and productive individuals. Families, society at large and the government together need to create a strong supportive environment to make the world a better place to live in.