Wednesday, 12 October 2016

A Comprehensive treatment Plan

The extent of the physical impairment a child suffers from the neurological /brain damage is taken as the primary condition of the child .However along with are various secondary , associative and co- mitigating conditions which exists due to  the primary effects. The primary physical impairment may involve challenges with muscle tone, reflexes, posture, balance, fine and gross motor functioning also oral motor functioning. Which in turn create secondary conditions such as difficulty to chew, swallow, or communicate that also require treatment.  Managing  Cerebral Palsy is further complicated by co-mitigating factors which are not caused by the same brain damage that caused CP but that still exists in the child as a separate condition which  requires  simultaneous treatment eg child my suffer from asthma or any such ailment.
Due such complications in the treatment and uniqueness of every child as far as extent of impairment is considered, the Children require or need a comprehensive treatment & care plan which differ from child to child .This plan takes into consideration all the conditions existing in the child, the child’s ability, his /her socio –economic background also kind & quality of home care received. The team includes the various multidisciplinary doctors, pediatrician, parents or the legal guardians. At the onset goals for the treatment are established keeping in mind the medical condition of the child .Then the set goals are achieved using a combination of drugs & therapies.

However a keen observation from the primary caregiver is required all time as complications may arise at any point of time, noticing them earlier can help the caregiver to act promptly and minimize the effect.  It takes lot from the general primary pediatrician and caregivers to accomplish the set goals of treatment to develop in the child abilities so that the/she can have degree of independence and lead a quality life.

Monday, 3 October 2016

Means of combating Cerebral palsy

Every individual suffering from cerebral palsy is unique in terms of severity of damage, extent and type of impairment. The symptomatology of this disorder (CP) is very varied; it may range from slight clumsiness to severe impairments. The classical symptoms are associated with abnormality in muscles, reflexes, motor development and coordination, sensory impairments, seizures, spasticity etc.

Hence developing a general protocol for treatment is very difficult. The damage caused to the brain cannot be healed however various therapies, surgeries, drugs, treatments and so on help the individuals to fight this disorder. All the courses of treatment aim to optimize mobility, cope primary conditions, regulate pain, manage and control  complications, associative conditions and co-mitigating factors, maximize independence, boost social and peer interactions, raise self-care, optimize ability to communicate, maximize learning potential & above all  to provide a quality  life.

Various Course of treatments are available today for Cerebral palsy to list a few  like  acupuncture, aqua therapy, behavioral therapy, physical therapy ,cognitive education , nutrition & diet therapy ,hippotherapy ,massage therapy ,occupational therapy ,play therapy ,recreational therapy , respiratory therapy ,sensory integration therapy ,social therapy ,speech & language therapy  , various surgeries & supplementary medications.

However in a long run the cost of these treatment goes high .We are in need for a one stop solution in terms of reliability, efficiency & economics of cerebral palsy treatment