Being a parent is very overwhelming experience, it is a never-ending journey of joy, happiness, efforts, love and care. But, if you realize that your child is little less than normal the immediate moment you get surrounded by complex feelings shock, numbness, sadness, denial, blame, fear, confusion, rejection and grief. However, we should Keep in touch with reality and maintain a positive attitude throughout. Your love towards your child will eventually transform and heal your heart and will give you a hope for bright future and will always keep you moving.
Life teaches us at every moment to move on forward without looking backwards. And in the process of living, learning and realization are two things each and every one procures from …their own and others life well. I have been realizing that life at times seem to be too unjust to few people but I guess they are the strongest of us all as they are fighting a silent battle within themselves. Life of children and adults with special needs can be frustrating and sometimes it can be significantly important to get a little pick-me-up to keep from getting discouraged. There are many ups and downs in life and we all need some inspiration to keep us headed in the right direction.
The fact to understand here is a complex phenomenon which exhibits the interaction between features of a person’s body inadequacies/Special needs and limitations and features of the society in which he or she lives. Love, Compassion, sympathy, apathy, technological interventions and the transition between them will help us, families, society at large to create a strong supportive environment to keep us all moving ahead in life in a healthy manner.