Monday, 29 April 2019


Decades ago, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), a group of developmental disorder in which patients suffer significant social, communication, and behavioural difficulties, was considered rare, and the prognosis of those who had it usually wasn’t good. But times have changed. The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder among adults and children has skyrocketed over the last several years. Much more research is done on the different ways to treat and manage it which has become available. Nutrition therapy defining a specific diet plan can play a significant role in managing the conditions of ASD patients enabling them to live productively.

Autism is influenced by nutrition. The caregivers of children suffering from autism must look after improving their (ASD Child’s) digestive system. Many parents of autistic children have reported that their child experiences prolonged digestive issues due to the antibiotics taken while managing other primary & secondary issues of the pathology. These Antibiotics kill the good as well as the bad bacteria and hence, their digestive system has irregularities. Thus intake of fibrous food, yoghurts etc. help these children.

The autistic children who show the signs of hyperactivity must improve their blood sugar by avoiding artificial preservatives and artificial sweetness in the food. The third component of the diet plan is to increase the consumption of Omega 3 Fats than the average. The Omega 3 fats help in slowing down of defective bad enzyme and improvement in behaviour, mood, imagination, spontaneous speech, sleep patterns and focus of autistic children. Also increase in vitamins (A, B6, C) and minerals are also a nutritive method for autism control. The best sources of Vitamin A are the breast milk, milk fat, organ meat, fish and cod liver oil, none of which is prevalent in our diet. The best sources for vitamin C are green and leafy vegetables, tomatoes and tomato juice, sweet potatoes etc. The best sources for vitamin B6 are non-citrus fruits, starchy vegetables, fish, organ meat etc. These vitamins help in the development of brain cells.

An important aspect of the diet plan is taking care of the food allergies of the children. Avoid the allergy-causing foods is the only way of dealing with it other than taking medicines.

Overall taking care of a proper diet and nutrition will help in the course of treatment of autism. And yes it definitely works!!

Monday, 22 April 2019

AUTISM- Let's Heal It

When we write about autism there has always been a different angle to it. Autism is so much in hearing when it comes to childbirth or the development of the child in the early stage. In this AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH, I think we must have a broad idea about its awareness as to what is the necessity, and it’s existence in the world of autism. Autism is a complex neurobehavioral disorder which creates a problem in social interaction and development of the child or the adult suffering from it. Autism covers a large spectrum of symptoms, skills and levels of impairment. Autism is four times more recognized in boys than in girls. It knows no racial, social or ethical boundaries. Family incomes, lifestyle or educational levels does not affect the brain. Autism runs in families; most researchers think that certain combinations of genes may predispose a child to autism.

Children with autism have trouble in the area of communication and understanding what people feel & think about things. It becomes very hard for them to express themselves through their actions, words, feelings and gestures. The effect is such that it has a devastating impact on normal life and daily chores. There is no balance within the body, and every aspect of autism comes with a challenge to face it. But there are risk factors that increase the chance of having a child with autism. Autism is said to be increasing; however, it is not clear whether its increase is related to the changes in how it is diagnosed or whether it is a true increase in the incidence of the disease. 

So, let’s come up with this challenge to at least heal as we all know that autism is not curable medically but its early treatment with the help of speech therapy, physiotherapy, remedial therapy, speech therapy and vestibulator by the Transpact Enterprises can make a positive impact at the start of it.

Monday, 1 April 2019

World Autism Awareness Day 2019: Things You Need To Know About Autism

April 2 is internationally recognized as World Autism Awareness Day. The day is meant to urge organizations & masses to raise awareness about autism. Autism is characterized in varying degrees, by difficulties in social behaviour & interaction, communication both verbal as well as nonverbal and repetitive behaviours. Autism is known as a “spectrum” disorder because of its wide variation in the type and severity of symptoms experienced. It is said to be a “developmental disorder” (as symptoms generally appear in the first two years of life) which impairs one’s ability to communicate and interact.

Several factors such as the combination of genetic factors, environmental conditions, maternal stress, prolonged labour influence the development of autism, and leads to sensory sensitivities, seizures, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, concentration, attention issues and many more.

As there exists a unique combination of symptoms in each child, the severity of the disorder sometimes becomes difficult to determine. A child or adult with autism spectrum disorder might have limited, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests or activities. They might keep on with repetitive movements, such as rocking, spinning or hand flapping or could also indulge in activities that can cause self-harm, such as biting or head-banging. They generally have poor eye contact and lack facial expressions. Autistic people especially kids generally develop specific routines or rituals and becomes disturbed at the slightest change; they are often seen to be very sensitive to touch, smell and light. 

While there is no cure for autism spectrum disorder, intensive, early treatment can make a big difference in the lives of people suffering especially kids. The treatment generally composes of therapies of different kinds such as Anger management, Behaviour therapy, Family therapy and Sensory Integration & processing therapy. 

Sensory Integration is a therapy that modulates the way the nervous system (brain, vestibular system, and other senses) a receives messages (stimuli) from the senses and processes them into appropriate motor and behavioural responses. Conventionally this was achieved by giving Vestibular stimulation exercises and adaptation using assistive tools such as physio ball, balance board, scooter, swings, etc. Different vestibular stimulation protocols are applied to different manifestations of autism such as the child may actively seek very intense sensory experiences (jumping, swirling, spinning, etc) demonstrating signs of a hypo-reactive vestibular system, and are constantly trying to stimulate their vestibular systems whereas some children may be hypersensitive to vestibular stimulation and have fearful reactions to ordinary movement activities (e.g., Swings, slides, ramps, or inclines).  

Coping with the limitations of the conventional treatments, Transpact Enterprises and IIT Bombay have designed the "Vestibulator". Vestibulator is a compact, mechanized, innovative digital healthcare (therapeutic) device which is ergonomically designed to provide stimulations for vestibular, neuro-developmental and sensory integration therapy. It is the only dosimetry and automated co-patented technology by Indian Institute of Technology & Transpact Enterprises which performs the complete vestibular stimulation required for treatment of Cerebral Palsy, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Sensorineural Hearing Impairment, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Vertigo and various other vestibular dysfunctions.

With its integrated software, Vestibulator stores the personalized treatment combinations, patient data for the purpose of monitoring and comparing. It streamlines and manages the therapy, rehab clinical documentation, nutrition schedule, health, and medical records. The research proves that Vestibulator is a potentially effective tool for physio and occupational therapists.

On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, the effort is to create awareness about autism and the upcoming treatment devices & methods as early treatment for ASD is important because proper care can reduce individuals’ difficulties and shall help them learn new skills and make the most of their strengths enabling them to live a more fulfilling & productive life.